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ARCHIVE.pdf is a collaborative venture created to share
Archive Fashion with the world.
From aspiring fashion designers to enthusiasts and novices alike, ARCHIVE.pdf serves as a resource to be utilized to the utmost. Our offerings range from scans of rare fashion books to original articles, fashion essays, and more. None of this would be possible without our supporters and the Archive Fashion community.
By donating to ARCHIVE.pdf, you will be helping us with the following and more:
Keeping this website up and running
Investing in more publications to be scanned and shared online
Funding for translations of various texts, from publications to video content
Creation of original content, from articles to editorials, podcast episodes, and future video content
Supporting the ARCHIVE.pdf Team
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Donors can have their names or aliases included in our future Contributors Page. After donating, please contact us at staff@archivepdf.net to request crediting.
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