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Chris Ziebert
Dec 1, 2023
Corinne Day: The Anti-Fashion Photographer
Fashion photographer Corinne Day reflected the attitudes of the anti-fashion movement unlike any of her contemporaries.
Riviere Fougy
Nov 22, 2023
ARCHIVE.pdf Team's 100 Fashion Moments
To celebrate reaching 100K followers on Instagram, the ARCHIVE.pdf Team has curated 100 of their favorite fashion moments.
Clark Reeve
Oct 27, 2023
In Conversation with Alexandre Plokhov: Bespoke Label, Color Black, Helmut Lang
Alexandre graciously accepted the invitation to join ARCHIVE.pdf in an exclusive interview.
Izzy Davis
Oct 16, 2023
Isaac Sellam: S/S24 Showroom and Brand Overview
To many, Sellam’s work represents the pinnacle of avant-garde design, with cerebral yet handcrafted garments defining the brand.
khan delin
Sep 25, 2023
Hysteric Glamour: Japan's Original Streetwear Brand
Explore some of the many important themes of the Hysteric Glamour brand, playfully juxtaposing ideas of war and peace.
Sean Holley
Dec 21, 2022
Redefining Fashion: Decoding Helmut Lang's Universal Appeal
Helmut Lang spearheaded a silent revolution in fashion. Those who wore and continue to wear his garments are accomplices, and his influence
Lilian Weiermann
Nov 30, 2022
Is Archive Fashion Sustainable?
There is a niche in the fashion world where pre-owned garments are traded for the price of a brand-new car.
Isaac L. Davis
Aug 17, 2022
What Kurt Cobain Means To Those Who Don't Fit The Mold
In terms of style icons in the early 1990’s that blurred the lines between masculine and feminine, one star in particular stood out.
Jake Van Parys
May 18, 2022
The Legend of Goro's, Part 2: Jake's Personal Pieces and their Sentimentality
Today we take an intimate look into the Jake's own personal Goro's collection...
Isaac L. Davis
Sep 22, 2021
From Margiela Tabi Boots to High-End Punks: Cultural Appropriation in Fashion
When an item goes from being an appreciation of a unique culture to appropriating it, what is lost in the process?
Isaac L. Davis
Jul 23, 2021
FUTURE ARCHIVE: Decoding the Present to Predict the Future of Archive Fashion
As the clothing of the now becomes the clothing of the then, what will be considered archive?
Riviere Fougy
Apr 23, 2021
Fashion and Elitism: On Changing a Rigged Game
Imagine the following scenario: You and your friends hear of an Avant-Garde fashion event in the depths of New York City. Excited to meet...
Art V.
Mar 4, 2021
Raf Simons and the Economics of Archive Fashion
A quick case study on archive Raf Simons pieces will immediately show an imbalance of supply and demand...
Feb 15, 2021
Fashion and the Youth: Is Youth Representation in Fashion Dead?
Will the youth cease to have an accurate representation of their world through clothing?
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